Charybdis’s Bowl o’ Pasta  

Bowl o' Pasta (can put this anywhere.. I eat this morning noon and night pretty much)


Grated Cheese

Tuna (could do chicken if you wanted to cook it)


BBQ Sauce (though works well with Tomato too, could try anything I guess)


Take pasta (any time), put it in boiling water for approx 15 mins (or however you personally like to cook pasta)


Now take a bowl, preferably a big bowl.


Put some grated cheese on the bottom,

Squirt a touch of sauce

Now put a bit of pasta over it

Add some tuna chunks

Put more sauce

Some more cheese

 Just keep doing that until you've run out of bowl space/pasta, whichever comes first.

 Other things I can think of you might want to put in are:

 Frozen Veges (cook 'em like you do your pasta obviously)

Bacon Bits

Minced Meat (Ground Beef I think americans call it)